monet dota2_monet

2023-07-02 10:25:13 来源:互联网 分享到:


1、Monet ***.net AHD:[&2{m½-n³“, mô-}] Claude ( -- 1840-1926) D.J.[&2{mou6nei, m%8-}] K.K.[&2{mo6ne, m%-}] NONE(无词性) French painter and founder of impressionism who captured on canvas his spontaneous reaction to landscapes and outdoor events. He created several series of paintings, such as the Water Lilies murals (1899-1925), that examine the effect of changing light and atmosphere on a subject. 莫内,克劳德:( -- 1840-1926) 法国画家和印象主义的创始人,他在画布上捕捉大自然的风景和户外的景物并做忠实的反应。

2、他创作了几个绘画系列,如 睡莲 壁画(1899-1925年),它研究了改变光线与空气给一个主题带来的效果。



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